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Repetitive Strain Injury: Maximize Your Courtroom Success

by | Jul 11, 2024 | Workers Compensation

Are you in an endless loop of discomfort, pain, and limitations due to a repetitive strain injury? It’s time to press the stop button on that repetitive rhythm and embark on a healing journey toward recovery.

Let us guide you through filing a claim, so you can finally end the daily pain and tune in to the sweet melody of relief and regained mobility. Don’t let repetitive strain injuries keep you from living your life to the fullest—break the cycle and let your claim be your stepping stone to a brighter future!

In this article, we explore more about repetitive strain injury, its causes, how long does it take for repetitive strain injury to heal, and how to file repetitive strain injury claims.

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What is a Repetitive Strain Injury?

A repetitive strain injury is a common condition affecting anyone who performs repetitive tasks or constantly uses certain body parts for extended periods. It typically involves damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves, leading to discomfort, pain, or long-term disability.

One of the most frequent types of job injuries is repetitive stress injury, which can make simple movements unpleasant. They may also make it challenging for you to meet your demands outside of work and take care of yourself.

In the context of repetitive motion injury and workers’ compensation, employees may be entitled to benefits if they develop work-related RSI. Workers’ compensation laws are generally designed to pay for medical expenses as well as a part of lost wages for injuries directly attributable to job-related activities. However, proving that an RSI is work-related can be challenging. Therefore, it’s often beneficial for workers to consult with a legal professional or a workers’ rights advocate to navigate the issues of these claims.

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What are the Most Common Repetitive Strain Injuries?

Repetitive strain injuries often occur in individuals who perform tasks that involve repetitive movements, such as computer users, musicians, athletes, and assembly line workers. Here are some common repetitive strain injury examples:

Carpal tunnel syndrome

It is caused by the compression on the median nerve in the wrist, evolving into pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and forearm. It commonly affects people who use a computer mouse or keyboard for extended periods. Conditions like diabetes, thyroid gland imbalance, and rheumatoid arthritis are connected to carpal tunnel syndrome.


Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon. It can occur in various body parts, such as the wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and Achilles tendon, causing pain and discomfort. They could be brought on by stress, damage, overuse, or excessive activity.


An irritated or inflamed bursa is known as bursitis. It’s typically brought on by applying pressure to the same spot repeatedly or overusing a joint, such as cycling or standing for a long period of time.

Tennis elbow

Repetitive Strain Injury in elbow, often known as “tennis elbow,” is a painful ailment caused by overuse and repetitive motion that leads to inflammation of the tendons. This condition affects the tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow, causing pain and tenderness on the outer part of the elbow. It is common among individuals who engage in repetitive forearm movements.

Golfer’s elbow

Golfer’s elbow affects the tendons that attach to the medial epicondyle of the elbow. This condition causes pain and tenderness on the inside of the elbow and is common among people who engage in repetitive wrist flexion and forearm pronation.

De Quervain’s tenosynovitis  

This condition affects the tendons on the thumb, causing pain and swelling near the base of the thumb. It is often seen in individuals who perform repetitive gripping, twisting, or lifting motions with their hands.

Rotator cuff syndrome

This repetitive strain injury affects the muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint, causing pain and disability. This implies that carrying out many everyday duties could become uncomfortable and challenging. It is common among individuals who perform repetitive overhead movements, such as throwing or lifting.

Thoracic outlet syndrome

This condition is caused by the compression of nerves or blood vessels between the collarbone and the first rib. People with this medical condition frequently overwork their shoulders or have previously hurt the area.

Cubital tunnel syndrome

This condition is characterized by the pressure of the ulnar nerve at the elbow, causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and fingers. It is common among people who frequently bend their elbows.

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What are the Symptoms of a Repetitive Strain Injury?

The symptoms of repetitive strain injuries might vary depending on the specific type of RSI, but some common symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Loss of coordination
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Fatigue
  • Throbbing or pulsating sensations

It’s crucial to consult a doctor if you encounter any of these symptoms, especially if they continue or get worse over time. Early intervention and treatment can help manage RSI symptoms and prevent further complications.

What Causes Repetitive Stress Injuries?

Repetitive stress injury is a broad term that refers to injuries caused by repetitive motion, forceful exertions, mechanical compression, vibrations, or sustained awkward positions. Multiple factors can contribute to the development of RSI, including:

  • Performing repetitive movements
  • Exerting excessive force during tasks
  • Prolonged exposure to vibrating tools
  • Maintaining static postures for long periods
  • Insufficient repetitive strain injury recovery time
  • Poor workspace design or improper equipment
  • Lack of physical activity or conditioning
  • Individual factors like genetic predisposition, pre-existing medical conditions

What Causes Repetitive Strain Injury When Using a Computer?

Repetitive strain injury when using a computer is commonly caused by prolonged, repeated actions, such as typing or mouse use, without sufficient breaks or variation in movement. These activities can lead to strain on specific muscles, tendons, and nerves in the hands, wrists, arms, and even the neck and shoulders.

Additionally, high-intensity work without regular rest, inadequate workspace set-up, and a lack of physical activity can contribute to the onset of RSI. The nature of these injuries is often cumulative, meaning that symptoms may start mild and become more severe over time if the damaging activities are not changed or mitigated.

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Repetitive Motion Injury Prevention

Stopping or lowering the intensity of the activity is the main strategy to lower the risk. You can take several steps to prevent RSI or reduce its severity. They include:

Maintain proper posture and ergonomics: Adjust your chair and workstation to support a neutral spine position. Position your computer monitor at eye level to avoid neck strain. Keep your mouse and keyboard within easy reach to minimize stretching and reaching.

Take regular breaks: Frequent breaks from a repetitive job can benefit you. Get up, stretch, and go for a stroll every hour to promote blood flow and reduce muscle stiffness.

Perform stretches and exercises: To alleviate and prevent the pain, it is crucial to engage in targeted repetitive strain injury exercises that promote healing and restore function. Exercises for repetitive strain injuries should focus on stretching and strengthening the affected areas and improving overall flexibility and muscle balance.

Stretch your wrists, fingers, neck, and shoulders throughout the day. Strengthen your forearm and hand muscles with exercises like grip squeezes or wrist curls. Use relaxation methods, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help reduce muscle tension.

Practice good work habits: Use proper typing techniques to minimize finger strain. Keep your wrists straight and avoid resting them on a hard surface while typing. Use keyboard shortcuts to minimize mouse usage.

Listen to your body: Be alert to any indications of discomfort or pain and make necessary adjustments to your workstation or work habits. If symptoms intensify or persist, get medical advice right away because quick action can help avoid permanent damage.

By doing these actions, you can considerably lower your chance of developing a repetitive strain injury. Always pay attention to your body, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and adapt your work environment and habits to support long-term health and well-being.


Can You File a Lawsuit for a Repetitive Strain Injury?

Workers’ compensation benefits assist employees who are hurt or ill at work. Workers’ compensation payments are available to those who suffer repetitive strain injuries at work. Suppose you sustained a repetitive strain injury while carrying out a job-related task. In that case, your medical costs and missed wages may be covered by workers’ compensation benefits.

The best protection for employees is the responsibility of the employer. In fact, it is usually the responsibility of the company to strive to prevent repetitive strain injuries for their employees.

An employee must offer strong proof that their injury was caused by their job to establish that it was work-related. If you prove that a work-related activity caused your injury, you are entitled to workers’ compensation for any injury you sustain.

Is it hard to establish a repetitive strain injury? It might be challenging to demonstrate a repetitive strain injury. This is mostly due to the fact that these injuries happen suddenly and tend to be “invisible,” meaning they do not show any outward signs of having occurred.

How much compensation for repetitive strain injury? While workers are unable to work due to an RSI, they might get two-thirds of their regular weekly wages. Physical and occupational therapy are two examples of medical costs that are typically covered by workers’ compensation insurance.

How to prove repetitive strain injury? Receiving medical care after a work injury is a crucial stage in the workers’ compensation procedure. Your medical records statements from your healthcare team, and details about your job responsibilities will all be used by your work injury attorney to establish the existence of a repetitive strain injury.

In order to establish the connection between the injury and your professional responsibilities, an immediate medical record review is especially important in cases of repetitive strain injuries. The most important source of injury proof for your workers’ compensation claim will be the documents that your doctor keeps.

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Medical record review is a critical component in the evaluation of repetitive strain injury compensation claims. LezDo’s review may uncover pre-existing conditions or other factors that could have contributed to the development of the RSI, which is essential for assessing the validity of the claim. Therefore, a thorough review of medical records is indispensable in substantiating an RSI claim and determining compensation.

What are the Treatments for Repetitive Strain Injuries?

What caused your repetitive strain injury and how severe your symptoms are, will dictate how you should be treated. As you manage your symptoms and take time off from the activities that caused your injury, you should gradually start to feel better.

What helps repetitive strain injury? Aspirin and ibuprofen are NSAIDs that may be useful in reducing the discomfort, stiffness, and inflammation of the afflicted muscles.

Repetitive strain injury physical therapy can greatly benefit. It often begins with therapeutic modalities like ultrasound, cold or heat therapy, or electrical stimulation to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Stretching exercises are introduced to improve flexibility and range of motion while strengthening exercises target weakened muscles to promote stability and help prevent future strain.

Repetitive strain injury surgery is typically performed as a last resort, but if you have “carpal tunnel syndrome,” a kind of RSI that affects your wrists, you may be able to get relief from it by having open carpal tunnel release surgery.

Additionally, patient education about rest periods, body mechanics, and proper techniques for activity is vital to managing symptoms and preventing a recurrence of the condition.

How long does RSI take to heal? Depending on the severity, a repetitive strain injury may recover within a few weeks to six months by taking the appropriate measures and receiving the appropriate medical care. However, some people experience long-lasting effects, which can be devastating.

To wrap things up,

In an era where our lives are becoming more intertwined with technology, repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a modern-day plague lurking in the shadows. With a collective mission to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the invisible clutches of RSI, it’s time to strike a harmonious balance between productivity and health.

Remember, prevention is the key, and the power to safeguard your well-being rests firmly in your hands.

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